Sunday, November 05, 2006

28-25 for the good guys

So, Cornell beat Dartmouth yesterday 28-25, which was satisfying of course. I lived for over 10 years just down the street from Dartmouth--right there! And never went to their games (it is such a snooty school and town) now I have seen Colgate beat them, now Cornell--two Dartmouth games in one season. Their 15 piece marching band insisted on playing at half time, and were so drunken and disheveled they really embarrassed their college. Then the home team band came on: Cornell has at least 100 in the marching band, nice uniforms, also flag swingers, baton twirlers, 18 or so cheerleaders, 3 music directors AND their halftime show was a set of three Beethoven tunes. I have never seen/heard Beethoven played by a marching band at football.
There is this seat right under the EE sign up at the top back of the stadium that is my own personal love seat (yes: a bench 2 people wide, with a back) or in the case of yesterday, my own personal lazy boy. There is this wicked Canadian wind that howls through the stadium, all the way from Hudson Bay.....


Anonymous said...

The only good thing I can say about Queen's is that their marching band is a pipe band.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but, it would seem that the Queen's football team would be, ah, easy to tease and insult.