Monday, November 13, 2006


So, our old Pal Sean needs a toothbrush holder, with a hippo. In my mind, that meant an alligator was needed also. I know, everybody who saw this before thought the alligator look skinny and anemic, perhaps you will agree that the green glaze was just what he needed.
There is more to the toothbrush holder than meets the eye OH YES! In this case, the six holes should not line up over the animals, because that means the brushes would come down on them. Also, when I made my first toothbrush holder, LONG AGO, toothbrushes were slim little things. Now with all the comfort grip contouring and ergonomic doodads they are rather thick, so the modern toothbrush holder must have wide holes. And, in Sean's family, I think there are five humans and one cat, so this is a big toothbrush holder, six holes.
This is gonna cost him, OH YES. Better go to the bank mister, and get yourself a wheelbarrow full of loonies....


Anonymous said...

I love that blue colour, Gary. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Well, that one I call blue jeans. If I was making, say, a starfish tootbrush holder, I would likely make the whole thing a seafoam green. Just thinking out loud here.

Muad'Dib said...

That is most excellent Gary and the colour is great! I will dig out one of those back support belts that the weightlifters use so I don't injure myself with the loonies!


Little Late, Dear said...

Hey, that's going in my bathroom? Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Seafoam is nice .. What colour are starfish? Orange?

Anonymous said...

Um, gordo, this is where I need to be allowed a little artistic license. TRUST ME. (I think living starfish are orangish brownish, but dry ones are sandy colored, and GAWD ONLY KNOWS what color they might be if I make them).
Master dib, I think you may need two wheelbarrows. And is this mystery visitor who I think it might be....???

Anonymous said...

Wow! Using my James Bond type software, I did indeed detect a visitor for 12 seconds from a certain _________ in _________and that must be Mrs Dib. Does she have a blog? Kinda looks like it.
Well, I have the inside track don't I, decorating these people's bathroom and before you know it, their kitchen too.....
BTW, if I meet you all, and I shall, I have a 100% rate of success with blogging strangers. David and Alan are soooooo nice and friendly, it came out wrong, but I told cm when I met her that she is much nicer than I ever expected, but my point was that she is so smart and VERY outgoing and expressive(well, she went to McGill, so it makes sense), and then there was that tailgate party with Paul and the others...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to intrude on teh artistic process, Gary. I was just musing ... Starfish are things that I haven't seen while diving. Loads of other neat stuff, though.

Anonymous said...

Well gordo, I wonder if you know anybody going anywhere warm anytime soon, maybe a beach somewhere?

Anonymous said...

alligators and starfish are nice and all, but a guy in wisconsin saw bigfoot! now that's cool. gary, i'd love to see your version of a bigfoot.

Anonymous said...

Thanks as usual, Big D, for nothing. I do not find that suggestion useful. Maude says 'Big Foot on one side, Loch Ness on the Other?'
You know, D, I wish I could make a squirrel. or a chipmunk. I have ambitions, D, in the HERE AND NOW.

Anonymous said...

If it's a chipmunk, don't forget the speedo.

Muad'Dib said...

I told Mrs. Dib to pop over and view the toothy brushy holder. Yes, thats her.


I am going crazy.. I cannot find a single website that shows the election results as they are updated for anywhere in Ontario..


gary rith said...

Red speedo, cm, or blue? With goggles and a bathing cap?
Master Dib, thanks for bringing the missus over for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Red. Absolutely. In honour of David Duchovny.