Wednesday, November 15, 2006

travels with gary

Having never been to Kingston, Ontario, I naturally dreamt of it extensively last night. My parents and I were wandering around on a warm day and there is a spectacular beach next to city hall that looks just like Miami Beach, but I took my dog Buster into city hall and we were wandering around and bumped into Alan who was very surprised that me and my dog were wandering around in his office, and although happy to see me, he was wondering if I was some kind of stalker.
I shall be very disappointed if this city on Lake Ontario does not have a gorgeous beach with palm trees. Anyway, everything I write here is true, although I do spread it on thickly at times, but I do not lie or make up stuff. I don't have to! If I am able to travel to Ontario, and there are strangers reading this, we will be the ones on the beach. I will be wearing my black Led Zeppelin t-shirt and wild hula-girl swimming suit and my wife says she will be the one in the black leather mini (see Halloween). OK, I made that part up.
So, little face mugs above. Nothing like a green face on your coffee mug leering up at you for sipping pleasure.
Our old pal CM has flown from Toronto to New York city to do some secret work for BIG CORP, and she has plans to hang out with my sister-in-law Emily. This is all quite cozy, and shows the power of blogging. All these nice strangers getting together, but HELLO to cm, have fun.


Anonymous said...

Hello from the Big Apple!

Anonymous said...

You need to have fun for all of us.

Anonymous said...

they are fantastic! but they look blue to me. do i need to get my eyes checked?

GenX at 40 said...

CM: I recommend recent beer posts about NY at fellow beer blogger, Greg Clow's place:

Anonymous said...

Big D, why not have your head checked? I am sure your eyes are fine.

Anonymous said...

ouch! you hurt my feeeelings!

didn't your parents teach you that if you didn't have anything nice to say about someone you shouldn't type anything.

gary rith said...

Smooch, big D.....

Anonymous said...

ah, i feel better now.