Friday, November 10, 2006

Thompson Twins

Thompson Twins, 'Hold Me Now', a slightly schmaltzy new wave tune from my youth makes the tune o' the day. I was browsing last night, saw this and happily put it on, and the missus, from a distant part of the house came running. These guys are soooo sincere...
So, dreamt I was with the missus baby sitting a group of kids and the oldest was a sixth grade thug, my size, and I was trying to minimize his negative effect on the good little kids, because this thug smoked like a chimney and drank whiskey. I suggested he go party behind the garage.
We have babysat the kids next door, who are angels with no bad social habits, and Heidi was planting her bulbs yesterday so I got out OUR daffodils and lined the fence :^) with them and around the front door too. Daffodils are the first big deal in spring, when everything is dreary, these sweet and excited yellow flowers come up. The missus asked me later what directions I followed, and there was an uncomfortable moment when I admitted that me and the shovel had improvised.
SO, BACK TO ZEBRAS. Spent all of Thursday fiddling with these two pieces, and they aren't finished yet. I guess I could make 3 dozen piggy banks in the time it takes to make a pair of zebra pots. Interesting formulation, huh? I have a little more to do on them, carving on the lines marking the stripes. The guy on the left was a surprise: I wasn't thinking very carefully, and went to make a wide and low dish, as the original was, and this went tall, but I said 'OK' and then I was making the columns and they were way tooo short but I said 'hey, put zebra heads on those columns!' and so a little improvisation becomes a wicked cool piece. The pot on right wanted a full zebra, so he got one. Sure, I am just bumbling along here, listening to the greatest dance hits of the 80s and fiddling with clay....


Lucia said...

Every time I see this pics of your work, I think you must have a happy happy life to create these li'l critters. The one on the left looks like he's driving a car to me.

There is nothing that's going to make me listen to the Thompson Twins. Nothing!

Anonymous said...

The Thomson Twins epitomized big hair for me. That said, I have MP3s of The No. 1 Ska Album blaring here this morning. :-)

Gary, it's a darn good thing you live onthe other side of the border or I'd be in massive troubel for giving you all of my money and filling our house with your amazing pots.

Anonymous said...

Gordo, I am hiring the Polar Express and reserving a few train cars JUST FOR YOU, full of bowls and whatnot. Remortgage your house and sell your cars, you'll be able to pay me easily. (thank you!)
Perhaps you folks can see my point: make a rack full of 3 dozen piggy banks in one day OR 2 zebra pots. Which would a person rather do? Well, low priced items have an important place in retail, BUT I wanna have a whole premiuim line of expensive stuff too, stuff with a lot of hours put in.
Lucia, interestingly I have met a couple of other sculptors with happy and sweet artwork, similar species as mine, and they have been sour and b!tchy. Myself, I like to laugh and have fun, be a goofball, but socially I am very reclusive and shy. I don't get out much. Really!
But yes, a happy happy life. I was just watching these guys out in the cold and ran, up 3 stories working on a church roof---OMG I am so glad I have my work and not something like that....

Anonymous said...

ooops, cold and rain it should say

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I can't to get home and click those links. I have that album (well, tape) at home somewhere.

Hey, you could always just load up the trunk and come north for a boot sale.

Anonymous said...

:: sigh ::
cm, I am a POTTER, not a COBBLER. I don't make boots, kiddo.