Thursday, November 30, 2006

I was Dean White's Apprentice once

(images from the website of Dean White, potter, Deansboro, NY) Or try this link too:

I have been very fortunate in life. When I was 19 in '85 and a second year ceramics student, on the summer vacation I apprenticed to Dean White. College was all about pottery around the world, ideas, sculpture, glaze formulation, firing all kinds of different kilns, and a lot of goofing around with clay to see what you could do. If you have seen movies or read books about the middle ages and apprentices, I was that common subject 'the worthless apprentice'.
Dean is one of the nicest people on earth and he let me come to his studio and work and watch what he was doing. Dean has a massive capacity, if I remember correctly, easily able to complete 200 bowls in an afternoon, for about 8,000-10,000 pots made per year. I had a chance to see how a real potter with a family works his tail off, and Dean is able to work hard and smile and chat with useless apprentices like me, or customers.
So, we live in the neighborhood again, upstate NY, maybe 100 miles from Dean's shop. Turns out that Dean's daughter goes to college here, and other such small town coincidences. I havn't been to his shop and studio in a few years, but will be able to visit soon. I am very grateful this man showed me the business, please click the link above and take a look. Anybody can shop at Dean's store, its right on a busy roadway, easy to find.


Muad'Dib said...

Ever hear of some guy named dean cardenelli?

Anonymous said...

Um, no. Wish to enlighten us, master dib?