Friday, November 10, 2006

OK, like Ross says

311, 'Amber'. Phew. Let's put this up again. Gordo, what are we doing up in the cold cold north when we could all be living on a warm beach with a ping pong table?


Anonymous said...

Who's cold, Gary? It's a gorgeously balmy 8C outside right now ... :-D

The beach does look great, though....

Anonymous said...

I know, gordo, wicked warm all this week. Suits me fine!

Gordo said...

Rain's coming back here tomorrow. Good thing I'm staying home this weekend instead of trying to slap some more siding on to the cottage. Ecch.

Anonymous said...

Gordo, we're gonna need a ping pong table and maybe foosball at your place, also darts. I claim no talent at any of those, so you can enjoy beating me in some friendly competition.
SO, its gord campbell, is it? Some people would say that name has Scottish roots.

Anonymous said...

We're definitely putting in horseshoe pits and we have a badminton net. I dunno about tables. Darts can be done for certain.

Scottish? Moi? My domain name, cruachan, is the Clan Campbell battle cry. ;-)

gary rith said...

I can do horshoes gordo. Everybody can try horshoes, which is great, even little kids, but it is perhaps more challenging than a person realizes.