Saturday, November 11, 2006

Old School

Up at 4:30, WIDE awake but heart pounding because I had been dreaming I was 21, had a new girlfriend and was racing to get my Chuck Taylors on and running to my literature class, followed by biology, gonna be LATE and I hadn't completed any assignments all term....sure, a nightmare.
I was on the bus the other day headed into Cornell to see the missus and Ming vases and the bus was crowded with students, in predicaments like my dream some of them no doubt, and as we neared an intersection there was much excitement. A very tall bearded student type, black leather jacket and sandals was racing for the bus, which he made. A young woman at the front of the bus was all excited to see him, his girlfriend, there was a kiss, hand holding and such, it was really cute. Thing is, and this is ITHACA, the dude was wearing a kilt. Or maybe just a skirt. It wasn't plaid or anything, just this brown skirt. Iwas glad somebody loved him.
OK, back to Ska and the planet of........Mighy Mighty Bosstones for tunes o' the day and one of the best tunes of the 90s. It seems that in order to be ska, there has to be a certain use of horns, a fast pace, and the wearing of slick suits.

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