Friday, September 22, 2006

The vase question

Bottle or vase? Nice view of the backyard, and a couple of pots.


Anonymous said...

Vase. Well, you asked.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I make a better bottle than vase. But you can call almost any shape, which isn't a bowl, teapot or mug, a vase.

Anonymous said...

oh goodie, another question. hmm, let's see. hmm, definitely vases. too fat to be bottles. but what do i know.

Anonymous said...

You could clarify it by calling it a narrow-mouthed vase, as opposed to a wide-mouthed vase.

gary rith said...

You see, I have made MILLIONS of piggy banks, which are simply made from a small bottle, therefore practice makes perfect. man, you should see this vase at the top of the kiln from yesterday's firing. Maybe when it finishes cooling I will put up a pic.

Anonymous said...

'fat and friendly tear shaped bottle'?

gary rith said...

Well, yeah. Go up and watch the dropkick murphys and leave me alone.

GenX at 40 said...

Looks like a wine carafe to me.

Anonymous said...

All you people arguing about vases. Everybody KNOWS that bottles have mych smaller openings, like a coke bottle. It's all just pots anyway. I have a hrad time closing in those tops, but I doubt gr is going to offer any advice.

gary rith said...

Work on your spelling too, jack!
Well, with closing up a vase or bottle neck, you choke, then pull up and adjust the lip, then choke again, pull up etc until you get it right. It is very tricky, and now you can't say I never give any advice.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amazing that people feel so strongly about this. Let's move the debate UP, where the issue is all about male cheerleaders at football games (NOT)