Friday, September 08, 2006


You have to have a recognizeable brand. You have to advertise. I am going to start running print ads in exchange for pottery. Who knows if it will ever get me anywhere? It is true, though, that every little thing you do for exposure is noticed by someone. Nine years of business in New Hamsphire, and I had to beat customers off with a stick. Everybody knew who was making the pigs and whatnot. New town now. But, the window at the tea shop downtown has resulted in strangers telling me they have seen my work, and that is a good beginning.


Anonymous said...

i noticed you have received comments from oregon, ohio, dallas. for a new blog, this is quite impressive. i think the word is out: people love your blog! i know i do. your blog is only going to get more and more readers.
i know you hate requests but i'm still going to irritate you. i prefer film over music so once-in-a-blue-moon please do a film review. (hey, you did ask for comments...)
as for your branding, i have no worries you will be just as successful in ithaca as you were in NH cuz your pottery is fantastic. besides, i've heard you speak on the topic of advertisement and you sounded pretty darn clever in that department as well.

Anonymous said...

And yourself, Denis! VT/Quebec!
I don't see as many movies as I would like, nor do I watch TV (and I really miss football and hockey, esp this weekend!! Must go to parents Saturday....) I put up music videos because I love love love them, and now I don't have to waste time at the neighbors watching MTV. So, I listen to the radio, hear something I like, google it, the result comes up here. I cannot also post a 2 hour video of a movie, but maybe in 5-10 years....?
Thanks for the support, esp. the international (well, Canada is international) support!