Thursday, September 14, 2006

Christina and secrets

So my young cousin Christina Von Rabenau from Germany visits the purple house yesterday. She is an art student, and this family has produced a lot of artists. Although skilled in painting, she wanted to try clay, and gave it a whirl. It was most successful. Since she lives thousands of miles away, I did not mind sharing secrets.


Anonymous said...

So the further away one is, the more secrets one learns. Good to know.

Anonymous said...

i just moved to the southern tip of new zealand and have started doing pottery. may i have your secret glaze recipes? i promise not to share them!

Anonymous said...

You know, cm, that is definately the case, as I am sure Celeste will agree. International borders help.

Denis, it has been said before and I say it again: it is people like you what causes unrest.

Anonymous said...

Who is this 'Denis' and why is he such a trouble maker?

Anonymous said...

Indeed. I trust I'll receive your secrets as soon as I'm settled in at Mir. And I won't tell Denis.

Anonymous said...

Denis is the sweetest, gentlest anarchist you could ever imagine.

Anonymous said...

I see Denis has shown this blog to his friend Finn. He can't have my recipes either.
I'm serious: barring a million dollar offer, my glazes are going NOWHERE.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, don't worry. Even if he had told me, I have no idea how to make glazes at all. Paintings is what I know and maybe that was the reason why it is secret by me...There is no way for me to do those amazing glazes at all.

gary rith said...

c. von r is being modest. She may not know much about clay, yet, but man, she picked it up quickly, and oh, what a fine painter she is!!!