Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I am a beer journalist, not that it has resulted in any glory or money, but it does give a person an excuse to try new brews. Click the link for my latest at beer blog, complete with pottery and dog pics!


OK, back to work: Mike from NH called the other day, he had lost a glaze recipe and a search of my notebooks turned it up. A miracle. As I say, he is nicer than me, so it was nice to do him a favor.

Gah, dreaming last night. Our older lab Jack has epilepsy. He is 11 and it has never been much trouble, just grand mal seizures at most 4-5 times a year. Most dogs have more trouble as they age, Jack's have gotten better. At 1:44 last night he had a mild seizure. He wet the floor before I got him out, but it was over in less than five minutes, and naturally I had a series of odd dreams after. In the first, a young woman I went to college with, and studied pottery with, showed up, and she had looked a little like Molly Ringwald (my suggestible unconscious mind) then there was a house to sell with a dark dungeonn style basement....

Buckets of work done Sunday and Monday, which is how it should be from now until Christmas. Way too much socializing and running around recently. This is new: football was once my reward for weekend morning work. Then I would loaf about all afternoon watching football on TV. No TV anymore, so I actually work and listen to the radio play by play. Well, and go to actual games too.


Anonymous said...

Beer is never frivolous.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but I am, often.

Anonymous said...

You and me both.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think Celeste looks a little like Molly Ringwald, although I look nothing like James Spader.

Anonymous said...

Thank god

Anonymous said...

You know, you might be on to something there.