Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dee lite and some more thoughts on purple

I was planning something noisy and raucous, but 'Groove is in the Heart' is such good Sunday viewing and listening. The missus loves this tune. Dee lite was the disco dance retro thing, until lady Miss Kier and her husband Dmitri broke up.

Dreamt last night of Alan from Gen x at 40. He came over with 2 bottles of white wine he wanted us to try, which if you know Alan, is hysterical. Alan also runs beer blog, and would probably rather run to work naked in a snowstorm than drink white wine.

Purple, some more and maybe final thoughts. Pumping gas across from the house of the people who sold us our house I made a discovery. Their house is painted a nice and sedate mustardy green/olive color. Except for one thing I hadn't noticed before: the porch steps and floor are....the exact purple of our house! I suspect there were leftovers, and their porch steps had needed paint therefore...thriftiness won out. Maude and I probably like forest and celadon greens more than any other color, but together we seem to like purple things. I have a large Gorbachev style birthmark on my head, under my hair and since I am not bald you cannot see it, purple in color. It is a lovely shade between lilac and deep purple. I guess there is some subliminal action there on my tastes.


Anonymous said...

But I'd never call you Gorby.

GenX at 40 said...

Remember that whole stalker discussion and how we cleared things up? Herself also seemed to have a dream about me and the nice glassware that we had for guests. Me? I actually drink nothing but Diet Coke and tap water.

Anonymous said...

and pigs fly, Alan....