Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Everybody's favorite Welshman

Something's wrong with me today. I don't feel too good. Usual start, but then flew into the clouds, sat down with a peanut butter sandwich and woke up feverish 2 hours later. The good thing about working for yourself is that nobody cares if you fall asleep over your p.b and j, the bad thing is that work still needs to be done, in the other room, and unless you're dead, you do it. I love working for myself.
OK, some rousing tunes from Tom Jones to get a move on.


Anonymous said...

Boppin' schmaltz and a cup of hazelnut coffee sure hits the spot.

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could just nap in the middle of the day.

Anonymous said...

You could, cm, but maybe your boss would look at your behavior a little differently than my boss? It works this way, actually: if I worked at big-corp, I would take a sick day. Here at non-corp, I can make little monkeys with BANANAS and they are wicked cute, and nobody gets fired. (ooooh-I feel a pun coming on) Well, the monkeys will get fired, with glaze!
I wonder if Catherine Zeta-Jones is Tom's niece, or cousin or anything? (laughter heard across Wales, where half the population is named Jones) Our grandfather was a little Welshman, last name Thomas, which is the last name for most every other Welshman. back to the wee little monkeys--I am thinking banana bowls with monkeys is a good step too.

Anonymous said...

I tried working for myself once. It's a hard slog. My hat's off to you. Gary.

Anonymous said...

I find it best, gordo, to be melodramatic. I think a hard slog would be working as a roofer or a logger. Nobody gives them a chance to nap in the midday.

Susan as Herself said...

When I was a kid I had a crush on Tom Jones.

I have a little Welsh blood in me---it must be what attracted him to me. Hahahahaha.