Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Steven Hill, Red Star Studios, KC

OK, also heading back to Kansas City potters. Steven Hill today, maker of bodacious and beautiful pots, setting new standards in functional work, and techniques. Maybe he is the best known younger potter of our day, or the most popular?

He and other artists took over an old yeast factory in KC and make pots there, and he travels all over giving workshops. He glazes in multiple layers of color with airbrushing, but one thing that makes him unusual is his once-fired technique. Basically, people like me dry the pots then bisque fire them (call it a half firing) which makes for easily glazing and handling, before you fire them all the way. If you once fire, it is hard to handle the pieces, they are brittle, and you are adding water back to the piece, so it has to be dried carefully too. All right, who cares about all that, look at his wild colors and shapes!


Anonymous said...

But does he have a blog? With zillions of readers?

Anonymous said...

Well, good point. We are the pioneers here, at potter's blog.

Susan as Herself said...

Wow. I love that piece. And no, I do not find all that talk of firing and glazing dull.... it reminds me of the fun Ceramics 101 class I took in college... ah, those were pleasant times.

Anonymous said...

This guys work is excellent. I think the best KC potter comes tomorrow. I am not aware of very many hot Chicago potters, but will look into it soon.
(ps-wish you had kept up with your clay studies)