Friday, October 27, 2006

blogger is playing a strange game of hide and seek

So here is some yellow stuff with pigs.


Susan as Herself said...

Very Swedish looking. And the little lucky pigs make it feel a little German too.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yellow and blue=Swedish sometimes. In Chicago I once lived near the old Swedish neighborhood, with that restaurant whose name escapes me, with the cinnamon rolls.
I just glazed some stuff yellow with blue pola dots, even more Swedish-ish.

Susan as Herself said...

I live next door to that Swedish neighborhood---Andersonville. And that restaurant you recall is called Ann Sather's! :)

Anonymous said...

Let's see, I first lived in Edgewater, on North Broadway by the Dominic's near Loyola, then down a bit, on Carmen St neat Clark (and Ann Sathers), later down on Briar St, right by Briar St theater, and the intersection of Haltead and Belmont, my favorite neighborhood, and lastly the missus and I lived on Polk, one block from the UIC library. Look out the window and there was THE LOOP, esp. the SEARS tower. Quite a view, close to everything.