Monday, October 16, 2006

and finally...

Well, you may read this starting here, but this is my last post for the early am.
So, last Friday I was playing store at the art garage coopertative I belong to, Spirit and Kitsch, and man, I can really ruin a machine. The cash register is simple enough, I guess, but I don't get out much, and let's just say that I created miles of hand voided tape, there were beeps, there was confusion, and I can't say I was calm. Move to last night: anxiety dreams of trying to ring up sales on the cash register, and there are mad beeps and irate customers....


Anonymous said...

First the windows, now the cash register. These people really are risking it all with you, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

I know. I am trouble. That is why I am usually kept locked up in the studio.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I can give a couple of real examples. I charged 45 cents for a 45 dollar picture, and ended adding the whole thing on a scrap of paper I was so lost, then there was a multiple item purchase that took 4 tries to correctly add...I mean, why do people think cashier work is menial, that anybody can do it? Seems like hazardous duty to me.