Tuesday, October 10, 2006

when pigs fly

My parents were strict, which is a helpful way to start life, with a clear idea of what the rules are, but they never said anything like 'I'll let you get a tattoo when pigs fly', which some parents probably say on a daily basis. So truly, I came to that expression late in life, and flying pigs are a funny image. Last week, as I said, I was actively procrastinating, made myself a little flying pig, and he now lives in the front yard on an iron hook. He is flying superman style, sans wing or cape, and looks good just like that.


Anonymous said...

You do realize now that parents in the area will hate you.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I have given them a nice easy response for when junior wants a tattoo? You know, many people have shown me their flying pig tattoos, and our favorite New England bakery was 'When Pigs Fly' in York, Maine. It must be the symbol of rebellion, of bucking the odds when nobody thought you could do something.

Anonymous said...

My young kids would see that and go all literal on your ass: "Pigs do NOT fly." It's pretty funny when they do that.

Anonymous said...

Love hearing from you Toni! Do your boys want tattoos yet?

Susan as Herself said...

I love that pig! (And pottery in general, btw...) Thanks for that photo---it cheered me right up!

Anonymous said...

We need your kind around here, Susan. Thanks for stopping in!

Lucia said...

How wonderful! Launch that pink beauty and we can all do whatever we'd like. I'm headed out to get that tattoo!

gary rith said...

Lucia, you are my kind of reader. Come back early and often and there will be guarenteed fun and silliness. Pottersblog: your source for Finnish Goth Metal bands and flying pigs.