Monday, October 16, 2006

"Kansas City, Kansas City, here I come...

...they got some crazy little women there, and Ima gonna get me one. " Classic bluesy, early rock and roll tune, and I did get me a Kansas City chick to marry, and everybody knows that Kansas women kiss better than any other women on earth.

Well, why do so many good potters come from KC, or live there now? I am gonna do a Kansas City potter's week, sort of, and we start with the source: Ken Ferguson. One of the big daddies of the twentieth century in pottery, he taught forever at the KC Art Institute, a former mansion and grounds in the middle of the city. One of the best potters of our time, MAKE NOTE of his clever use of bunnies here, making it respectable to mix animal sculptures and thrown pieces, as I do. His animals are solemn and serious, and half the great potters in this country, young and old, were his students.

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