Tuesday, July 08, 2008

what are we doing tonight???

(piggy banks by Gary Rith)
I am going up to Thou Art Gallery in Groton, NY to teach a piggy bank class. I will bring a load of pig bodies and students will add ears and the rest, and if they like, a name or something on the side. I was trying to think of a good joke for the side of the pig on the left up there, and thought that it would hold a very paltry inheritance indeed....
SO, making the pig today, glazing next week!


Reb said...

That is cute. Mom & Dad had a sign on the back of their motorhome which said "Spending our kids inheritance".

Knight said...

That's hilarious. I would do that to my kid. Which is exactly why I don't have one.

Susan as Herself said...

My pig would say:

TRUST (that there is no) FUND

Mother of Invention said...

Hey, how are my favourite pets and pottery people? Hope you're havin' a blast of summer heat like we are! Glad we got air con!

Anonymous said...

::snicker, snort:: and thanks!

Anonymous said...

BSWAHAHAHAHA LOVE that message gary hee hee hee. I hope the class went well - all the pics posted above this one look like they all had fun!

Werner Sun said...

How about "Social Security Lockbox"?