Saturday, June 28, 2008


OK, it is hard to figure out how to fight spam AND make sure real people can comment, so I am trying comment moderation where you write your comment and submit it and I review it and publish it. SORRY!


Real Live Lesbian said...

LOL...Love Oscar the Grouch!

Good luck with the spammers. Luckily they haven't found me yet.

Cute beagle!

Gordo said...

I use this wonderful anti-spam plugin called Akismet. Unfortunately, it's not available for the Blogger platform. You'd have to switch to Wordpress to take advantage of it. It's caught just shy of 48,000 spam comments since I enabled it. :-D

I'm very surprised that Google hasn't come up with something similar. It sure has the potential to drive a lot of people away from them once they find out what other sites offer.

gary rith said...

stinking blooger and spammers...

Unknown said...

Yaah, yeah! Pain in the you know where. As was the business of reading and typing in some of those idiotic 'code' thingies. I put the folks who spam blogs in the same category as the morons who have to leave their names all over evertying everywhere including tha Vatican!