Monday, December 10, 2007

my reply to Virginia,who I bet is DENIS or Ellen...

Dear (Virginia)-
Well, it is nice to hear from you! Very flattering. I blogged your question at pottersblog. (that is how you found me, and the link is below) I strongly suspect you are one of my friends trying to squeeze a recipe out of me, and I have written that my recipes are secret. They really are secret.
I will help you if you describe your school and teacher and your ceramics class and what you do to mix glazes in the classroom. Then we can take it from there.


Gordo said...

Well played, Potter-man. Well played.

Anonymous said...

hey potterman, i think you've been inhaling too much of some of your secret ingredients because you're really getting paranoid. the only recipes i'd want from you are of your yummy food, but i'm sure they are probably top secret as well.

(i think it's gordo...isn't he your smartest "friend." beware of the smart ones. it could be greg as well. he's equally smart.)

Gordo said...

I would have suggested Mrs. P., actually. She's far smarter than any of the rest of us.

Ellen said...

Just for the record, I would not resort to this kind of scheme. I would ask outright. Or tease about it, but I understand why you protect your glaze recipes.

I personally would not be computer savvy enough to do it alone, but I DO have two computer professionals that live with me would could do something like this. If they did it for me, they would be asking for the red glaze.

Anonymous said...

Just catching up here from yesterday...couldn't get on your blog last night, Gary.

From reading the stuff below...I think it's Celeste. She's probably sitting back having a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

Celeste! Ah HA!

Anonymous said...

celeste? I wish! My access these days is severely limited. Need to find a sugar baby...maybe Maurice will win the lottery this weekend.