(watercolor cat by Louise McGrath)
Irish potsblog friend Lou painted this cat for potsblog friend Mary Lee. Holy cats, what a wonderful painting! We must all ask ourselves why Lou is a Mini Cooper saleswoman and not a renowned artist.
8/2006-9/2008 RIP
Lou, hiding your talent under a bushel! That is wonderful.
very nice! How long have you been doing this and why haven't we heard about it before now?
What a talented group of people there are hanging out at Gary's!
Oh, you betcha! And, I can proudly say that that adorable painting is mine, so there! And isn't that ever an adorable, jaunty, gleam in the eye of that puss? There's so much personality radiating off that painting it's positively alive. You could be earning your living, I'm truly thinking doing your own originals, plus you seem to me to be an absolute natural for illustrating childrens' books, as well. Anyone who can paint a cat with that much charm. Whhoooeee! Please consider it, Lou. And I beg you to share more of this side of you on Louphoria.
gorgeous, you're lucky Mary Lee
That's a lovely piece, Lou, and well done to Mary Lou for extracting it. Talk about lights under bushels! And thanks to Gary, too, for dragging me on over here, glass of wine in my hand and a slightly puzzled cat at my feet wondering why it's me doing the purring for a change... :-)
John Bailey, aka OGP
ah guys! Thank you all, that's really sweet, I have a big silly grin on my face. Greg, I haven't painted anything, (bar half a cat painting during the summer), in about 5 or 6 years - so Mary Lee, it really is quite unique - my first completed work as an 'adult'. The personality is based on Sasha, if ever there was a jaunty glint, it's in Sasha's eye ;)
Guys, I've had it drummed into my head my whole life that my art wouldn't pay the bills, so it's cars for the time being anyway :)
Oh yes - what Mary Lee said...uh-huh! Illustrations, cards... the list goes on.
Oh, poor Lou. It's never too late to undue the damage that well-meaning adults to us in our formative years.
An acquaintance of mine has turned a photographic hobby into quite a decent second income making art cards. And she's pushing 50. :-)
Hey - watch it there Gordo! 50 something ain't all that old...neither is pushing...well, never mind! :)
LOL .. No offense intended, Kate. :-)
Just joking, Gordo. I'm going on the remaining half towards 60...it seems I'm on the down side of the teter-totter! Hold on a minute - when did this happen??? lol!
Lou, I am not a millionaire, but if I make it, I sell it. One day you can do the same, I bet.
car AND paintings... see all things are possible :D
I hear ya Gary, I suppose I just want the security of a house before I take any big risks ala 'Blue Forest' with my career. I really appreciate everything that's been said though, it's lovely to hear even if I have to admit to having a hard time accepting it - such is life
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