(memorial plaque by Gary Rith)
I had thought about this pretty carefully, but quite easy to make in the end and I just made it. Jack chased his ball about a million times in his life and always had his little Lab smile. Not sure what the scroll will say, maybe either 'Little Jack' or 'Jack 1995-2008'. Then it will be placed on his grave.
Beautiful, Gary
So sorry to hear about Jack; I was checking your address to link back to your blog re my mystery dog mug.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
absolutely beautiful and so fitting.
Thanks. He almost always joined me while I worked--kinda lonely in the studio now.
That is so sweet. I love it. :)
Beautiful Gary.
This will be a beautiful plaque.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack. He sounds like he was a great dog. I'll go home and throw the ball a few times for my dog tonight, in Jack's memory.
I love the plaque; it's beautiful.
Ah - you've perfected the smile.
I'm so sorry, Gary. But it's obvious that Jack gave and got a lot of love during his life, and you have created a beautiful tribute to that.
Thanks, wait until you see the colors!
Oh, that's beautiful!!!
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