(Missus Topferwaren Zeitschrift and Mister Topferwaren Zeitschrift)
We were birders yesterday and visited Cornell lab of Ornithology--BIRDS. It is basically a huge research building in a huge woodsy/swampy park. I heard a catbird, but we didn't see a single bird, actually. Muskrat and FROGS. A million glorious frogs.
A million frogs is an excellent thing. I love the sound of the spring peepers at the cottage. Frogs are an "indicator species" and will disappear very early if problems arise. No frogs is a cause for alarm.
I love birds. Too bad you didn't see any. We get to see all your "Yankee Birds" in the winter, but their colors are muted, but that's okay - they're enjoying the warmth :-)
I like frogs. I'd like to go bird-watching some time but there's that whole getting up early thing involved.
Lovely to see that Mister and Missus Topferwaren Zeitschrift had such a good day :)
Friday I went to Central Park with a friend of mine and we stopped in Beledere Castle, where they have a list of birds commonly found in the park posted. We saw a snowy egret in the turtle pond,but that was about it. It did make me want to go "birding", though.
Guten Abend, Frau Toperwaren Zeitschrift und Herr Toperwaren Zeitschrift!
It's nice to know you are making the linguistic rounds. If you had a television, I might suggest the Olympics have done a number on you!
Bird watching is wonderful (a hobby my dh would like to invest more time into) but swamps = mosquitoes. Mosquitoes love me. I hate mosquitoes.
[going to wash the dead one off my hands now --yes, really!]
I like the froggy on the lily pad. :)
What a great frog shot!
ooh, I almost didn't see him there! :)
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