Saturday, January 06, 2007

Kittie, 'What I wanted'

Yes, they do seem rather angry. Once again, from London, Ontario, alternative metal band Kittie, 'What I wanted', tunes o' the day! And if you still have the courage, try this energetic concert clip of theirs, 'Pain'. One wonders how long the lead singer's voice is going to last.
Dreamt earlier I got into an amusement park for free, but later dreamt that I was again a high school teacher, very reluctantly, who had to fill in teaching physics, chemistry and calculus, the three academic horsemen of the apocalypse. My whole family had to live in the classroom, too, which meant that I was surprised before breakfast by students and others coming into our room, including the teacher across the hall who looked like a man dressed as a woman.

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