Friday, January 26, 2007

unicorn-free zone

I was sitting there idly, Friday afternoon, thinking of zebras and I said to myself 'hey, make a zebra without stripes, add a twisty thing on top and you have a unicorn!!!!'. Fortunately, sanity returned, and I said 'GR, you DO NOT want to go in that direction'.
A google images search confirms the worst, gauzy fantasy scenes of near naked nymphs cavorting in silky meadows with gleaming and pure unicorns..........
no way.


Lynnea said...

LOL - yeah I seriously can't see you as the Unicorn Potter...thank the powers the be - or whatever spoke the sanity back into you.

Unicorns are now permanently associated with the Jackie character in That 70s Show for me. I miss that show, when it was good.

Anonymous said...

On another blog that I read,, unicorns are used as an antidote to the ills of the world. When they've posted a series of terrible stories, one of the editors will post a "unicorn chaser".

Nothing ceramic though. Uh uh.

Actually, Bridget had a thing for unicorns when I met her. She's outgrown it, though. Thankfully.

Alan said...

Boing does have all those self-generated issues ;-) But such unicorns are like that craptastic Newfoundland 1970s folk tune "Sonny's Dream" dopes played in pubs in the 80's - the best thing about them are when people finally admit it is sentimental crap. Avoid them for the phony unheathen facade they are.

Anonymous said...

The moral questions in life revolve around 'just because I CAN DO this, should I?'

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Gary. The general answer is "not necessarily".

Far too many people don't ask that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Gordo, the temptation though, a unicorn so clear in my mind's eye!!!! Must resist........

Anonymous said...

I saw a comic strip recently that showed unicorns working in cubicles but I can't find the link. :-( They've never really appealed to me. Dragons, now, there's an appealing animal.

Anonymous said...

I know, they're so tacky and cheesey....