Wednesday, January 24, 2007

8 things about me

I got tagged by Mags. 8 things I can do, 8 things I can't do, 8 things that scare me, 8 things to do before I die, 8 random thoughts. I have about 3 of the 40 spots filled. Ima gonna do TWO things here. OK, maybe 3 things.
First, I will think about all these 8s.
Second, I may develop my own parallel list, with categories of my choosing.
THIRD: use comments, tell me about ME. What do you people know about me, or think you know about me? I am curious to know. I have no idea how people in reality or online see me.


Lucia said...

OK, here go my speculations aka things I think I know...

You spend most of the day working while listening to music. Once in a while, you're inspired to do a blog post which you've thought of while working, and hop on over to the computer.

You're a very happily married guy.

You live in Ithaca.

You have store and individual customers who really like your stuff.

Your musical tastes tend toward not new.

You get a kick out of Gordo's comments.

You're the quintessential nice guy.

You're not a conformist so will take a meme tag and make it your own.

How'd I do?

Anonymous said...

You're claim to be a "reclusive flake". But, you seem to be more of a socially conscious Democrat to me.

You're note a doctor and and don't play one on TV.

You're obviously nuts if you listen to me.

You're an incredibly talented potter who charges far too little for your work.

You haven't tagged anyone else, yet .. LOL

Anonymous said...

Lucia, thanks for doing the work for me!!! I might as well call it a day, and relax in bed with the cats reading Henry the 8th.

I would give Lucia an A+ on the test, gordo gets an F for being a wiseguy.
Stay tuned, I guess, ideas are percolating.
Maggie needs to jump in here after the kids are fed and off to school.

Anonymous said...

I know you are, but what am I?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know! You're much more lenient with visiting goofballs than Alan is ... :-D

Anonymous said...

Oh gordo, I encourage goofballs AND wiseguys. I live for silliness, no question. I am upgrading you to a D-.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You can't do tedious things that bore you. Take a walking tour of Wales before you kick. Sometimes a lump of clay, waiting for your touch, is intimidating.

Anonymous said...

Well! The wife checks in!
Gordo, this is all about sharing the love...

Lynnea said...

Sure put me on the spot. And after Lucia nailed it. But I will try to add something:

You are incredibly inquisitive.

Somewhat voyeuristic with your statistics - but outright honest about it.

Definitely artsy but having only met and spoken to your over the net I cannot vouch for whether you are fartsy or not. (Those tacos might have something to say about it though).

My imagination, spurred by your language and interests, has decided that your blog reflects your life in its G-rated nature - that being of a kind, good citizen, animal loving, cartoon watching, ever the nice guy type.

You live in a purple house and love it which speaks to the Dr. Zuess-like mind you possess, and we see that come out in the wacky and wonderful creatures that your muse has bestowed upon you.

You are approachable in all things. So far.

You claim shyness, though the manifestations of your manners would attest otherwise.

What's my grade?

Anonymous said...

Well, Mags gets an A-. Pretty darn good, can I goof off all afternoon? You missed on the shyness part, Mags. I am the classic reclusive flake, sitting around with the dogs and cats, fiddling around in a studio, ignoring the world, seeing no one (but my woman) for days, and, yes, discussing the world online.
I suppose I am nice enough.
As for g-rated, yes, compared to most people we are pretty darn ordinary and quiet, PLUS every day I have to ask 'will my mom and dad be looking?'. They are (still!) the most strict and morally straitlaced people on earth, and even though I am 40, I really don't want to upset them. All this means is that some of the music videos I might play I don't (nope, Frankie Goes to Hollywood 'Relax' and Cradle of Filth don't get posted) and I doubt if they like seeing I am a beer journalist, PLUS since this is a commecial blog, I feel it important to have a clean and inoffensive place for any stranger to visit. But that reflects me.
I did write all this stuff out and will post it, it is so darn llloooonnngggg.

Anonymous said...

You can turn any leftovers into a pretty mean burrito.

Anonymous said...

I dunno.. I think all the fiddling around in the studio ruins your G rating Gary! ;)

Lynnea said...

About the shyness - you are probably correct in your self-assessment. I think perhaps the advent of the internet allows many of us to seem gregarious and outgoing. Greg however would seem naturally so and would make me wonder if he is the namesake of that word.

Anonymous said...

Ask Greg about wearing tights in public ... ;-)

Mona Buonanotte said...

I think you're a very talented person, as every time I come to your blog, I want to buybuybuy all the stuff I see.

But I'm also remarkably lethargic.

Got any pig princesses I can get for my Girl-child?

Lucia said...

Drat! (How's that for reserved blog lingo?) Greg took my comment. I've always been the creepy A+ student...and hated it! I wanna be the wiseguy next time.

GenX at 40 said...

You privately hold yourself out as a goofball visitation redirection service and this makes up 78% of your income.

gary rith said...

you got me there!