Tuesday, January 30, 2007

a wee bit of success

Yesterday as I began listing items in my NEW online gallery, browsers descended right away with nice comments, and I sold 3 items within an hour of opening shop. Sometimes you go out in your boat, toss out the hook and worm, and a giant trout hops into your boat. You never know what may happen, but I am grateful for a nice start.


GenX at 40 said...

Good work - it has been an interesting evolution you have been going through.

Anonymous said...

I've sent the link all around the office here and to Bridget at work as well. They all saw the pictures of the toothbrush holder and love the stuff I've been showing them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you both. I have sold in fairs and galleries for 10-15 years, but online is new for me. Whereas to me the blog represents getting folks to visit and hang around and maybe one day buy something, SOME people just want a quick catalog page with ordering. Got it.
Etna has very little BUT BUT BUT we have a post office and high speed internet! Therefore online plus shipping works!

Anonymous said...

That's the true beauty of the internet. A craftsperson can work wherever they happen to be and easily sell their wares to the world.