Friday, January 19, 2007

February 14th

In retail, of course, we look waaaaayyy ahead, which is why I am always tired of Christmas on Dec, 26 and tear down the decorations: I have prepared for the holiday for months! This is true now looking ahead to Valentine's. Luckily I have plenty of romantic items in the works, this is a petite ring box with 2 happy bunnies, which if it does not sell in February has the advantage of working for Easter too. Coming soon, the usual hugging pigs, elephants, dogs, and maybe some inter-racial couples like a dog hugging a bunny.


Anonymous said...

A dog hugging a bunny? The scandal! I thought this was a family-friendly blog. Well, except the Linkin Park videos.

Mother of Invention said...

I love your pottery, especially all the blue pieces. You have a lot of "Piggery Pottery"!

Here from Maggie's and dare I say...from Ontario, Canada?!!

Anonymous said...

Mother of invention, you are most welcome here, I hope you become a regular. I have a large number of Canadian friends and customers, and tease them only because I am immature. They are princes and princesses all, and I willingly commute to Canada to hang out with as many of them as possible.

Lucia said...

Hmmm...I can see a dog and a bunny, but not a pig and a bunny. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

The great the dynamic the stronger the emotion maybe? h, ok.. MAYBE *I* need more caffine beforfe writing more posts! hmmm ever tried dragonflies gary? The GF uses them as her signature on her bead jewelry she makes. cute little fellas - big eyes, flighty, oh and even magical/whimsical. Now who does this remind me of.. hmmmm =)

Anonymous said...

dragonflies are in the middle category of 'I make them, but not as perfectly as I would wish', along with cats and one or 2 others. Some things come so easily, like dogs and pigs and recently zebras. Others....
as for interspecies romance, pigs and cows go together Lucia, I do that often.

Anonymous said...

Pigs stand, bunnies sit. Maybe that's why it's harder to think of them together.

Anonymous said..., a word from the wise. i've missed your intelligence and wit.