Blistering hot this week, hopefully blowing out, but I am reminded of the usual weather in northern NY.
So, yesterday I finished mixing what I could, and accidentally dumped the equivalent of a sack of flour (feldspar) all over. I had planned to clean, then had no choice. So, the basement glaze area is totally tidy and organized. All the expensive powders are no longer sitting in piles but sorted together in little tins. I had 8 one pound bags of cobalt, for example, each worth about 50 bucks! When did I buy these? A miracle none of those little bags broke open. Then I cleaned the rest of the studio, what a good boy, and cut the grass too since I was filthy anyway.
So, today, the routine is back, glazing and throwing per usual.
The heat has broken on this side of the Lake, Gary. 34C yesterday, high of 25C today .. Ahhhhh
The UV index is at 9, though. I think that means "boil your skin away in seconds". I'll have to look it up.
Jus as I like -40 as both f and c, I like 30-33c, because roughly speaking, you can triple it. 0 is 32, but after that I have no dea what you are talking about.
Simple math, potter-man: take the temperature in Celcius multiply it by 1.8 and add 32. So, 25x1.8 = 45 plus 32 = 77F.
Easier way is to ask Google. Google knows all.
That's ridiculous. You people should just use English measures like everybody else.
but where in the world.. or should I ask HOW.. did we originally come up with these other measuring systems based on 12's and 16's, etc. Metric at least is 10-base like our fingers and toes :)
maybe we used to have more fingers in ancient times?
See, that's where your arguments fall apart. Measures were based on the length of the King's foot and a yard was the length from nose to finger (or something) and the king probably also decreed that zero would be impossibly cold and 72 comfortable, therefore water freezes at 32. Then you get your cup from the average cup size. It makes a lot of sense, when you think about it.
simply for your enjoyment gary... the evolvement of Fahrenheit it seems was almost done by practical reasons...
Gary, you have no idea how amusing it is for me to think about a country like the US, which fought a war to get rid of the monarchy to cling so desperately to a measurement system like the Imperial. Even the Brits, who invented it, have dumped it.
Living in Canada, we learn at an early age to convert such archaic system as yours to something more scientific. Clearly, it was NOT a Canadian who made the conversion error at NASA thereby slamming a probe into Mars. LOL
Just look at all the young women getting married with a stupid little crown on their heads, like Diana...the US is darned weird. At least you people formally recognize your ties to the mother country.
Do we? Sure, we have the old broad on our money, but look at our other choices: Sir Robert Borden or Wilfrid Laurier. We'll take the old bat with the tiara.
Phew! Cobalt's my fav!!
Yes, we need to remember how fricking cold it was..it was 40 C humidex here Tues. and Wed.so I got heat exhaustion, dizzy, blood pressure up...scary...so I hung out in my husband's office the rest of the heat wave. Always wondered why they said for heart patients not to go outside etc. on hot days...boy, now I know first hand.
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