(Mr Pottersblog all dressed up with nowhere but the basement to go)
Ugh. Worse than I thought. As you will see in tomorrow's pics, my organizational systems involve messy piles. In this case, unidentified leaking 50 pound bags of silica, kaolin, ball clay and the rest. I needed one spoonful, ONE SPOONFUL of nickel oxide and spent 45 minutes looking for it, where it was on the bottom of the last pile there was. The up side is this: cobalt oxide, main ingredient in blues, is 30-60 dollars a pound, and a pound is small, and I found A LOT of it. You see, over the years I didn't realize what I had, so I bought extra, and suddenly, in looking at it all, I find I have hundreds of dollars of the stuff all in different piles. I think mixing may take a couple of days, then maybe a little organizing down there? The weather report is quite steamy, so a cool but dirty basement beats other options.
Well, it's not like I can say anything about "organizational systems," sweetie.
Glad to see you, Mrs. P. How's things looking? Is Gary in trouble :) ???
That part of the house is currently OFF LIMITS.
EEK.. the creature from the basement! get back you!.. back to your oxides and your Aluminum-interstitialed-silicates-hydroxides!!
back I say!
BY the power of the TIKI!
Thinkk I look pretty sharp here, ready for action, ya know?
Gary, FYI, the paper respirator masks are no longer allowed on my jobsite; apparently they allow too many toxic chemicals into the respiratory system. So the company has had us fit-tested for half-face respirators. You might want to do the same.
Well sure, I need to be careful, but it is the dust from silica I am avoiding, no vapors. But that is my last one, I shall get stronger masks in the future.
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