Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Mrs. Pottersblog goes tiki and a new toy

Mrs. Pottersblog is making a small tiki quilt. You can see the brilliant design process in action here.
There is a new camera in the house. It is tiny and I shall look at it closely later and see how it works. I spent mind-numbing hours at the store trying out a whole list of previously researched cameras, and walked out of the store with the one I had walked in wanting.


Gordo said...

There's a certain frustrating satisfaction with doing that, isn't there?

Anonymous said...

more tiki! very nice quilt project Mrs P.

I gotta get me a new camera one of these days when I make it rich from my woodworking. than I can finally take in-focus pics of what I am doing! LOL

Anonymous said...

It is apparent that you can spend very little on a camera,or a lot. We didn't want to spend much....
The whole thing looks great in the box, and eventually I will take it out of the box and fiddle with it...

meno said...

Oh the quilt is most excellent!