I am once again awaiting a large crate of free beers. The beer gods have been kind to me, and the price is to taste them and review them. Not too high a price to pay...
So, this is coming up shortly from beer blog, all true as usual.
Hurricane Kitty by Keegan Ales of Hudson Valley NY
At four the radio said there was a tornado in Tompkins county NY, 20 miles west and headed my way. This is NY, not Kansas, but the sky had that boiling look and the rain and hail and wind started, and I battened down the hatches and unplugged everything. It was a whopper of a storm, but the tornado and damage did not amount to much at my house. I was hoping the neighbor's leaning tree would fall over into my yard and crush the old car, resulting in a large cash payment and a new car, but it didn't happen this time.
A perfect evening to try Keegan Ales’ Hurricane Kitty. As my wife said later ‘It is the best beer to pack into the cooler and head for the safety of the basement’.
Calling itself a coppery IPA it is certainly dark colored and pours with a huge foamy head and the scent of a million hops. This is one of the strongest IPAs I have tasted, thick bodied in feeling and taste, like sitting in a field eating fresh cut hay. I have often tried an otherwise good ale and asked why they couldn’t have thrown in a couple more hops, but in this case they threw in the whole bushel.
Turns out they have opened a brewpub, and I suggest that a field trip to this place would be in order for all readers of beerblog. Pubcrawler tells us this is a good idea .
"The perfect drink for a severe storm" says the wife, and indeed, maybe for other times too.
so thirsty for a beer now! drat, I wonder what I have in the fridge...*pottles off in vain hope*
Hey - they're about 40 minutes from us.
You people are nice, because I am a terrible beer writer. Thanks for the visit.
Kate and Jim, well, what are you waiting for????
Jim's considering taking a ride!
It IS a nice day.
Can't today...my kid races Sportsman Stock cars at the OCFS speedway on Sat nites. But we're considering tomorrow.
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