(Gary Rith and his pots)
I counted, roughly, and I have just done my 161st fair. Friday was good business, Saturday was really good, and a few bucks were made. This is a tremendous party, intended for the city to celebrate the residents when the students are gone. Music, food, booths, millions of people, and me in the middle. I am so darn tired....you have the up at 5, drive and drag your stuff, setup, hang out all day, take down at 8.
Amazing how many nice people we know around here, and met new people too!
I'm glad it went well for you and i'm glad it's over.
thanks, and the weather was GOOD
What meno said. ;-)
Booths do look like a ton o' work...and some fun too! Glad it went well.
Glad you did well! I used to know a guy who went to Ithaca State College on a soccer scholarship...I'm sure the town celebrated when he went home to Bermuda for the summer!
now go get some well deserved rest and relaxation!
I didn't do Sunday, luckily, and boy did it pour rain and lightening. Lucky lucky lucky.
Thanks all!
I'd have loved to walk past, say hello, and pick up one of those bowls... Hey ho. Glad it went well, Gary.
We got that rain at the cottage Gary. Good day not to be out.
Will you be doing the fest next year?
Well, thanks gents. The plan for next year is go as a regular guy and eat food and listen to music like everybody else--in 161 fairs in 10 years I only had ONE rainy fair, in 2005. It is a lot of work and a big gamble. I will probably do some indoor fairs.
It's nice to be a spectator, isn't it?
well done gary and a nice booth layout.. I guess after 161 fairs one gets to know how best to display your wares and invite the eye and pocket book! hhuzzah!
you get to be over 40 and you only have so much energy, and I don't have enough energy for that again...
what??? you're over 40???
time to start being selective to what you do with your time. Not unless you have a lot of free help with it all of curse too! ;)
I am especially out of it today. But the litter box is clean. Which reminds me, make some chili!
It was Michael Keaton who sat there for you...wasn't it???
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