My patio garden is thriving. I plucked our first greenish/orange tomato and put it on the windowsill to finish. I clipped the top of the enormous basil and made pesto, our first home grown meal of the season. I don't know how you can beat summer.
8/2006-9/2008 RIP
With a stick. Hahahahaha...hey! Get away with that straight jacket!
those are pretty healthy looking plants. your thumb is green.
Very nice, Gary ...
my thumb is not green: I merely grow that which survives my care
Wow - what did you all do to Celeste??? :) She seems a little 'over the edge'??? :)
Nice plants Gary. Very Green. ;)
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and the view was beautiful, thanks for sharing that. Can't wait to take our sprint around New England this fall. Glad you're back, and the place looks good. Very neat, indeed!
Celeste is what you might call a loose cannon, but what others might call thelife of the party.
LOL :) It's been fun reading the comments between her and cm. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
they are like twin sisters gone wrong
In the great soap opera of life, celeste is the evil twin.
That's the way to throw gasoline onto the fire, CM, good job!
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