Sunday, September 21, 2008

Priscilla Queen of the Desert

I loved To Wong Fu... and now I've seen Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. A drag queen road trip. You always wonder why Terence Stamp isn't in more movies, he's incredible. The other two girls are fantastic. I must say, CAMP is sooooo funny: the zebra prints, the bright colors, the gowns and headgear. It is a bit of a sweet love story too.
The regular guy gives this one 9 thumbs up out of ten, a big round of applause too.


Anonymous said...

What do you know! I just saw that movie this week, too! I loved the soundtrack. And who could predict then that Hugo Weaving would go on to Matrix and Lord of the Rings fame?

Anonymous said...

Did we know in 1978 that disco would become ......?

Di Mackey said...

I loved that movie too. I accidentally watched 'The Mother' and 'Pane e Tulipa' this weekend. It put me so far behind with 'the things I must do list' that I spent the afternoon trying not to hyperventilate :)

Susan as Herself said...

I am on a friend's computer so can finally comment!!! YAY!!!!!

I loved that movie too.

Gordo said...

Priscilla is one of my all-time favourite movies. It was a lot of fun watching Bridget work through her Catholic upbringing and allow herself to enjoy it. :-)