Monday, September 22, 2008


(flowers for the missus, Penny and Emily)
I was kind of feeling LOW this morning. Yesterday I burned the heck out of my peanut butter and jam muffins and worse yet, the KILN broke horribly (hopefully I can fix it). I was thinking:
a) if you fall off your horse, GET BACK ON, so made more muffins--perfecto this time
b) I need to reverse some bad karma, SO I got some flowers for the missus at the farm stand (eek! I havn't done this in soooo long!) AND I took a premium blue vase off the shelf in the studio and brought them to her new office at Cornell. Therefore, the people in her office think maybe I am a great guy, maybe SHE thinks I am a great guy, etc, and maybe the people in the new office want to buy one of my vases. That makes the flowers a tax deduction AND hopefully a little good karma too.


Anonymous said...

Wow! A 'premium' blue vase! Now that's going to change some karma, I'm sure! ;)

Anonymous said...

I know. Now I have to make more!

tt said...

You totally rocked this one!!!
I'm thinking you racked up a bunch of karma points.
Missus Potter is one lucky lady....but then again, so are you!

fiwa said...

That's right - always take the flowers to the office. You get double points for that. And that vase is gorgeous - I bet the flowers looked stunning in it.

I hope you can get the kiln fixed up.

Tricia said...

Though of like a true entrepreneur. Here's hoping your karma turns around!

Bar L. said...

Your pets are too cute!

I hope you get your kiln fixed.

(and...I think TT called you a lady)


Knight said...

You make vases? I always need vases! I must look into this further. Does this call for some etsy stalking?

gary rith said...

I make plain vases from time to time, maybe I should list one or two....

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Credit with the Mrs, Good Karma, and a tax write off and potential sales?

Gosh, YOU ARE GOOD!!!!

They'll buy a vase just because you are so darned sweet!

Anonymous said...

Very smart indeed, on all counts!

I'm thinking a pot for cooking utensils that I use every day, made to match my dishes. I have fun shopping for my own Christmas gifts!
I'll poke around and see what examples I can show you, so you know what I am thinking of.

tt said...

Oops!!! I meant you are a lucky GUY!!!!
(Sorry....Barbara pointed it out...I'm such a goof at times -lol)

Tink said...

Yeah, that deserves some major brownie points. :D

Janet said...

Well done, Gary!