Wednesday, September 10, 2008

scenes around the purple house

(the river behind our house, well, Fall Creek actually, and the morning glories taking over the porch)


Gordo said...

Beautiful. We have that exact colour of morning glories, too. They don't have anything to climb, so they're running all over the bed.

Anonymous said...

i see your leaves are starting to turn colors too although not as much as here in northern VT.

tt said...

Don't morning glories just make you smile?? :)
I'm surprised you haven't put some on a pot ;)

gary rith said...

well, I don't really make flowers too well!

Anonymous said...

Does your backyard ever flood? Or can you tube down the river/creek? Because those would be important things to know...if you had a house full of boys...

Lovely morning glories :)

gary rith said...

It is low now, but people tube and canoe it all the time! But NOT down the falls I pictured yesterday, I hope!

cm said...

I love fall, but it still comes as a shock to see the leaves turn.

Anonymous said...

That morning glory is beautiful.

Jessica said...

I love your house! It's so great. :)

gary rith said...

wowee, thanks!
btw--the river does flood terribly, but we are pretty high! Knock on wood.........

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

How beautiful! The "Glories" match your house!

Hilary said...

I love Morning Glories.. especially how they tend to stay open all day at this time of the year. Lovely setting you have.