Friday, September 19, 2008

And I say Rock ON.......

(Mister Pottersblog shows some appreciation for Van Halen)
It seems clear that Pottersblog visitors might say 'ho hum, more beautiful and cute pottery' or maybe 'ho hum, more cute pets'. Visitors here seem to get excited by the participatory stuff, where YOU get to weigh in. To vote on the issues.

More important than the White House, what divides this country is Metallica vs. Van Halen. Or maybe it is only my fluffy little brain that thinks this is important. But tell us:
Van Halen or Metallica? Vote early and often, please.....

The Cradle Will Rock here by Van Halen has ALL the bells and whistles: the HAIR, the BARE CHEST, the TIGHT LYCRA BODY SUIT THAT LEAVES NOTHING to the imagination, esp. when David struts up to the camera for a closeup, and yes, the fuzzy white boots...

and Metallica's Nothing Else Matters....


Anonymous said...

Music is much more fun to vote on than politics!! And I love music. :)

I'm afraid the videos might skew your results. Metallica's is tasteful (and I'm not just talking about the smoothie!) and the VH vid is lip-syched & filled with atrocious attire from 25-30 years ago.

Okay, my vote (now that I've listened to and not just watched):


And I didn't know I liked Metallica!! (They came on the scene about the same time as I swung over to Country...weird, I know.)

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

I'm with kc. Van Halen is too busy strutting what he thinks is his fine figure? Even thought that song is kinda' good. I kinda' remember if from highschool ;-)

But, Metallica had a better grove and was "all about the music."

I used to listen to the Scorpions and White Snake some in my teens. Between George and Reba. Bet ya' didn't know that!!!

Happy Friday!!

Anonymous said...

van halen.

Anonymous said...

Although my husband doesn't believe me, Metallica was one of the first CDs I ever owned. Metallica all the way!

PS - I received the Metallica CD during the same birthday that I received a Wilson Phillips and Buddy Holly's Greatest Hits CD. My tastes were rather varied. Hm . . . I wonder if YouTube has any Buddy Holly??

Anonymous said...

I normally wouldn't vote (I didn't when the Beatles and Zep were the clear and rightful winners) but I have to support VH here - they're both excellent wicked bands but I'm afraid the music is being judged on a bad video. EVH rules hard rock guitar!

Anonymous said...

and tasteful kcinnova? there's a nudie pic at 1:06 in the mettalica video! I thought this was a family blog ;)

Gordo said...

Metallica, definitely. Especially as compared to VH with David Lee Roth. Ecch.

gary rith said...

I dunno, early Van Halen sounds MIGHTY GOOD TO ME. But then when you figure in the drums from Metallica it becomes a little more of a tossup!
Welcome back Brodie!

Anonymous said...

Brodie just wanted me to go look...
Actually, I saw a photo, but thought it was a Sports Illustrated bikini shot. Or a wife or girlfriend.
Just trying to be an optimist here! ;)

I agree, EVH is a really good (great? idk...definitely better than yours truly!) guitarist, and VH does ROCK. But David Lee Roth? Ewwwww. While he is the classic VH frontman and indeed what helps make VH a rockin' band, the man just irritates me. I'm sure the videos skewed my opinions a wee bit.

FW, yay Scorpions!! You go, girl! 'Course, I'm awfully fond of George Strait myself. :)

cm said...

No contest. Van freakin' Halen. \m/

Latin Lupe Lu said...

I agree with CM hands down Van Halen!

gary rith said...

David Lee is sooooo over the top, but what's so great about ordinary?
\m/ \m/

Tracy Helgeson said...

Van Halen, all the way, baby.....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tricia said...

I have to vote for Van Halen simply because they bring back so many crazy memories...or as they say in New England...wicked good.

Anonymous said...

Van Halen with Diamond Dave! When I was a glasses-wearin' braces-sportin' violin-totin' waify virtual invisible man in the early 80's, Diamond Dave was there to tell me to buck up and have a good time anyway because some day those braces are comin' off and those glasses are going in the top drawer permanently and that violin case is going to be a guitar case and that feather-haired brunette honey is going to want a piece of my action. And it all came true! Thank you sir and God bless Diamond Dave!!!!

gary rith said...

I like Metallica, but maybe they have a very high opinon of themselves, take themselves very seriously?

Mona Buonanotte said...

Van Halen RAWKS! The Hagar/Halen days were ugly, but the Diamond Dave days?? Classic and sexy!

And the cradle...will rock!

Fortune Cookies said...

I've gotta say Metallica, they were, after all, my first ever concert. Van Halen was alright, but Metallica? Metallica kicked ass!

Real Live Lesbian said...

I vote Van Halen as well. And I'd also like to vote for that cute kitty up there!

gary rith said...

Emily kitten wins hands down.

fiwa said...

I'm late to this poll, but I vote Van Halen! But wait, which incarnation of Van Halen are we talking about here?

THANKYOU for being the only person who picked up on the $1 raincoat! I was so stoked by that!

gary rith said...

We are talking EARLY VH.
The thing is, their best work was in the first years, with DLR. Now, based on my impressions, whereas DLR is the best singer for VH, I wouldn't want to party with him--he seems obnoxious. On the other hand, whereas Sammy Hagar is a good singer, his VH work is not as good, BUT I would party with Sammy anyday.
Wikipedia says DLR rejoined the band in the last year for some tours.....guess the guys hadn't saved much and maybe needed a few bucks.

Reb said...

I suffered terrible (daily) migraines in the late 80's and early 90's, so heavy metal was not a joy. I would have said VH without listening to your offerings, because I seem to remember them as being pretty good. Having just listened to them, and Metallica, I can say truthfully, that they suck. Metallica can at least carry a tune which may induce me to listen to some more of them.

BTW, check your tomatoes post, you can ripen them but not on the window sill.

J said...

early VH all the way. I do like some early Metallica, but I agree: they take themselves way to seriously these days.

Tracy Helgeson said...

Gary, they did reunite and supposedly they really rocked on their tour, got great reviews, the works. But the tour was cut short due to some EVH health issues, probably having to do with that mouth cancer thing he has going, although that has not been confirmed.

um, and have I mentioned that I am actually still a teenager:)

Anonymous said...

me too!

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish it were that simple. I like Van Halen, but prefer them sans Sammy Hagar.

gary rith said...

HP, that is what WE ALL say.

Janet said...

VAN HALEN (but only with Diamond Dave)!