(my HOUSE, and my weed patch)
I was heading out into the studio a minute ago, and poor Spike. I had closed the door, and it wouldn't close all the way, and I hear hissing from the other side, and I look down and see a grey bit sticking through the door: Spike had tried to follow me (not allowed in the studio or outside, but he has been pushing it lately, as cats do) and got his paw stuck in the door and then Penny jumped on him when I opened the door (she doesn't like cats to hiss) then Emily, the other cat jumped on Penny who howled........ Jaysus. Well, I picked up poor Spike, and he was purring, and I set him down to give him a bowl of crunchies to apologize, and he dumped over the water dish with his sore foot by accident, so he was upset about THAT, but a bowl of crunchies cures all, that's for sure.
ANYWAY, I have to plant some flowers in the messy flower bed today, good for next year. Maybe I should weed a bit?
You can see I am ready for Art Trail, Open Studio weekends in October: COME VISIT ME! Last year I was surprised by Kate and Jim and Tracy!
I'd come visit if it wasn't for the bad cosmic alignment thing going on telling us not to travel ;)
You are so proud of your morning glory and I am digging mine out and have been for three years. Where I live it doesn't freeze down and takes over everything very aggressively like Kudzu. I never should have planted it. Wish I lived nearer I'd stop by on the tour.
Oh Linda, only what, 3000 miles????
I am thinking I will clip those vines after the big frosts and see what happens next year. I find it very funny that they have taken over the front porch!!!!
Well, as soon as I get that telechenitic mind portal thing working in waking life as well as in dreamland? I'll be poppin' in all over the place.
Oh, FYI. Being the kind, adorable, glamorous, "mahhhvalous", terrif-tastic bloggie I am?
If you wanna'? You can hold my mug for your show thingie? Cuz' I bet everyone is going to want one ;-D
It's the new thing in mugs, ya'know!!!!!
[But, it must be shipped a virgin mug. No coffee should touch it or pair of lips till' mine.]
Happy Hump-diggity Day!!!!
Gary, it's not a messy flower bed, it's an English Garden! We had one of those, now we have bark mulch. :-)
Poor Spike.. my Skitty is much the same. Good thing they're so forgiving. I have a weed garden (not the good kind) that can rival yours!
weeds happen, right???????
Gary, when you said, "Kids, Don't do this at home" I started looking carefully in your garden for, um, certain plants. *snicker*
However, I was quickly distracted by the Art Trail signs! YOU'RE ON THE ART TRAIL!! How cool is that??
I'd love to pop by for a visit, but the 6+ hour drive might just make it un-doable. On the other hand.... let me think on this...
Yah - well I don't know about making that 3 hr trip again with all the hills and dales and curves and winding roads and not one bit of flat land anywhere to be seen. For god's sake - even the cows on the dairy farms were grazing on the side of steep hill! lol
Every time we drove up a 2 mile hill there was another 2 miles to go down, then up again. When we did reach the top of a hill all you could see were a bunch of hills! I felt like I was in a huge egg carton!
It was - however - a great experience to meet you and see your studio and meet Maude. Wouldn't have missed it for the world! :)
Nice article, thanks for the information.
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