Saturday, September 20, 2008

more HAWT stuff

I wake up thinking "Thelma or Louise? Cary Grant or Gregory Peck?"
Me? I would definately pick Susan Sarandon over Gina Davis, although Gina is mighty cute. With apologies to my wife, I'd wash Susan's convertible any day.
Peck and Grant is more difficult. I admire both guys a lot, but I think young Cary Grant was the MOST dapper actor ever, but Gregory had many better roles and movies.


Anonymous said...

such difficult choses. hmm...

susan sarandon...and...cary grant.

Anonymous said...

Cary Grant and Susan Sarandon.

Gordo said...

Yep, same here.

Anonymous said...

Easy. Susan. Cary. Preferably together. ;-)

gary rith said...

Wonder what Tim thinks about all this?

Latin Lupe Lu said...

Susan is just WAAAAAYYYY cooler than Gina. She is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and stands up for what she believes.

Gregory Peck..."To Kill a Mockingbird"...he also had passions which make him more attractive.

gary rith said...

I would even vacuum the dog hair off Susan's convertible's back seat.

Reb said...

Susan is a woman to be admired. Gina, well, she is a bit flaky.

Carey or Gregory that is a tough decision. One I can't make today. My dad looked like Carey Grant when they were both older.

Farmer*swife a/k/a Glass_Half_Full said...

Susan. Gina. Hmmm.

Hey? This is a stick-up! Where's my mug? LOL!!!


Mimi Lenox said...

Came here via Giggles. Great pottery and a nice blog. Have a wonderful Saturday with Susan...or Gina....whomever...

gary rith said...

dang, now who, ahem, is giggles.....

Anonymous said...

We're with Celeste!

Bar L. said...