Friday, September 19, 2008

Emily: Kitten Le Blob

We were just given a new quilt. The minute you put that thing on the bed BOOM, cat jumps on and starts to shed dark hair on the light colored cloth.


Anonymous said...

My mom has a beautiful quilt. She keeps a sheet over the top of it, to try and save the quilt...but doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of having a beautiful quilt?

Cleopatra isn't allowed on my bed (dh's rule). She is a good girl and stays off, even when we go on vacation!

Gordo said...

What an excellent example of Einstein's first law of attraction, Gary!

gary rith said...

The quilt looked quite good, before it was put out......

fiwa said...

NOW I get the "le blob" bit. Oh my, kitty pie. I have to admit, I love fat cats though.

I love that quilt too - how nice that someone gave that to you.

Unknown said...

That quilt is truly gorgeous! I do hope 'le blob' doesn't decide to knead it, especially if the claws are intact. I wish I could wave a wand and have back some quilts my own grandma made entirely, every teensy, tinesy stitch by hand!!! Incredible.

Anonymous said...

There are two types of cats: the dark ones who shed fur on light colors and the light ones who shed on dark colors. But some cats, like Emily, are a little of both.