Wednesday, May 28, 2008

our ratty couch and our dogs and cats: a rotating cast

(Spike and Penny; Spike, Buster and Emily; Jack and Spike)
It's like musical chairs--who gets a spot on the couch, and better than that, who gets the MIDDLE of the couch.


Anonymous said...

It totally amazes me that your furry children get along so well together! I'm trying to imagine my cat sharing the sofa with any other critter....nope. Can't say it will happen. We should have gotten a dog sooner.

gary rith said...

they all cuddle and play together really well---our first pet was my bachelor cat Sammy (had him before I met my wife), who passed a year ago, aged 17, and he was mad as hell each time we got a new pet (because he had been first and only until we got 3 dogs and another cat). all of these guys are very relaxed about it and I love them all so much

Unknown said...

The Peaceable Kingdom. Like master, like pets. Happy days every day, at least more or less, but mostly more, betcha!

Newt said...

ha ha ha we have the same thing on our couch. And Spike looks just like our Hobbes.