Soggy doggy doo
messy froggy, smelly too
piggy diggy, eww!
(copyright 2008 by Gary Rith)
Ha! See, I did it. I realized this morning that it covers many of my favorites, my daily work and business largely consists of making mugs and teapots etc with frogs pigs and dogs. Penny below shows a bowl with a little model of herself on the side.
--Special shout out to Chatty! Hullo! Testing one two!
---another hello to Spilling Out, who wrote a brilliant doggy poem with pictures!
Take a bow - Gary. Applause - Applause.
thank you thank you....
Love it! Glad I stopped by to read it on my way out the door. :)
Stop by my blog and see my happy news today!
And Penny makes a fabulous bowl model.
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