Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mrs Potsblog turns 47 and TWO other birthdays

(GR and Buster, Mrs Potsblog and Buster, Gr and Leslie)
March first is a big one here: 3 birthdays on one day! Buster turns 8 (pictured twice), my niece Leslie is now 17, and Mrs Potsblog turns 47. She is a good looking woman, and you probably thought she was turning 27.


Mona Buonanotte said...

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

Woof-woof woof-woof!

BTW, massages are nice birthday presents. Just sayin' case you need an idea for Mrs. P....

gary rith said...

OH! I was thinking I could get her a toaster, and maybe that black and decker sander I saw for sale at the hardware store, and then there was this bowl that I can't sell cause it has a crack........

Anonymous said...

Sanders are always nice. :-S

Happy Birthday, MR!

gary rith said...

What, you think she would prefer the drill press I was thinking about? I could get the sander for my dog, and maybe a compressor and nail gun for my niece.

Mother of Invention said...

Happy B-day to all! What kind of cake does your dog want?!!!
Yes, your wife does look young and she's so slim! (a tad envious of that!)

Anonymous said...

a very, very happy birthday to all. i never knew they all shared the same b-day. how cool!

Gordo said...

Gary, Gary, Gary. I thougth we discussed this "publicizing a lady's age" thing. I'd be found dismembered in various ditches if I did something like that.

Happy Birthday, Maude! :-)

Oh, and the thought of you with a nailgun truly alarms me, Gary. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love my nail gun. Don't know how I lived without it. I just keep forgetting it when it comes time to nail the stupid backing on the stupid Ikea furniture.

gary rith said...

The dog and my niece don't mind sharing their ages, why would my wife care?
I remember when nailguns didn't have safety features and you could shoot a nail a hundred yards.

Gordo said...

It took my brother-in-law, the house builder, all of two minutes to figure out how to defeat the safety on his. He was firing 3" framing nails at the neighbour's house ... :-D

gary rith said...

Think about it: why use a ladder to get up to nail something in when you can stand on the ground and take wild shots at it?

Anonymous said...

my carpenter neighbor shot through his hand using a nailgun. his ER bill was $500. not fun.

although he was an excellent carpenter, he is now a professional poker player. it should be safer...

Gordo said...

Denis, that's an excellent reason to move to Canada. ER bill for my buggered ankle in the fall: $25 for crutches

Anonymous said...

DENIS IS a Canadian, if Quebecers count. He just lives on the wrong side of the line mostof the time. I bet that was Barrett with the nail gun.

Anonymous said...


ps. gordo.. it takes a lot less than that for you to be found in bitty pieces I bet. it's a talent you have hee hee hee

Anonymous said...

Gordo, the ER bill in canada might be tiny compared to the states but the wait, is, well, just pray you don't bleed to death.

we must strive for perfection.

Anonymous said...

hey gary. good guess but no it's not barrett, although he did have all of his upper teeth pulled and got a haircut. for someone who will be 50 in 10 days, he looks remarkably like a teenager.

and yes quebecers are canadians (for now...and forever god willing...although a new premier would be nice)

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday everyone...especially to M! Hope it was awesome and sorry this greeting is a tad late!