Thursday, March 01, 2007

our friend BR and the Beatles

(2 vases by Mr Potsblog, flowers by God)
Tunes o' the day: the ultimate and first music video ever ever ever made: 'Hard Days Night' and I challenge ANYBODY, my mother included, to tell me they don't love this clip.
BR wonders if I make unadorned, animal-less pots. Sure I do! Flowers here for the missuses birthday.
I dreamt of you last night, BR, strangely, I did not know you were a serious biker, with black jeans, big boots with spikes on them. You are a bit of a scary person, BR.


Mother of Invention said...

Okay, then I have an order to put through to God: get them bloomin' flowers up soon!
Ha! Nice vases.

Anonymous said...

I'm scary? it's your dream. Thanks for the Beatle clip. Not sure if it can be overstated but the Beatles are indeed the greatest band ever! I will not debate this position.

gary rith said...

BR, I havn't even met you and here you are visiting my dreams:

you're probably not that scary in real life.

Anonymous said...

What is really funny, is that BR shows up at work like his every few days:
