(GR and Tex, 1986, GR and Sally, 1987)
I had 3 bunnies when I was in college. The first Sally was set loose by a housemate in 1985, but Tex was a great guy and he ended up with my sister's family when the kids were little and Sally the second was my preschool bunny after I graduated and began teaching, and one of my preschoolers took her home. Yes, I had bunnies in my college apartments and dorms. There is an expression on the Cornell campus, when an undergrad guy walks his puppy around campus, it is called a 'chick magnet'. In my day, artistic young men with bunnies at colleges with a 70% female student body.....
Boy, you think bunnies and puppies are "chick-magnets"? Try a precocious three-year-old. LOL
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till Easter brings him round again to find
They're not the pets he thinks they are at home
Oh no no no he's a bunny man
Bunny man adopting in his home down there again
he's a bunny man!..
Very cute! I've heard bunnies make good pets, and you can litter box train them? Or at least their 'pellets' are easy to find.
whhoooshh! get the hook, get greg off the stage.
Gordo, Cameron has that huge smile, I am sure he loves to beam it at every adoring woman at the store.
The plan, Mona, would be this. mr Bunny would live in his own little house in the studio, and since the studio has its own deck, he can go out there to play in the nice weather. We would see how things go.
Oh, greg, that was awful! Now I'm singing...
And I saw a wild bunny at sis's. White, scampering across the snow (there was still a bit of snow on the ground).
Philip was an incorrigible flirt, too. He once tried to give our address to a very nice, attractive, check-out girl at eth grocery store. LOL
So thanks to bunnies you got a lot of puxxx? That's brilliant of you, if not a bad bad baaaaad joke on my part.
I think that people in California are a bit unhinged.
I take "unhinged" as a big compliment. Thanks!
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