Mmmm, so, dreamt last night that I was in a large lecture hall, like a VFW, being lectured on shotguns and gun safety by a little kindergartner in a wheelchair. Then the Scouts tried to recruit me to be their assistant lacrosse coach. I know nothing of lacrosse, scouts or guns.....
oh wow.. your brain is taking some weird turns these days... you haven't gone out and bought a postal workers
uniform have you???
wlll FTP.. FTP!! I ROCK MAN I... on nuts... I lost FTP to myself!.. grrr
i dreamt last night too. i was with celeste. it was a hot summer day. we were on a beach...
my head ALWAYS takes weird turns!
Oh, Denis!! Tell me more...
Celeste! Denis! This is a family friendly blog, and what about Mauricio?????
who cares about mauricio! why do people keep bringing his name up? he's like this annoying fly that just won't go away.
celeste, you didn't have any tan lines.
I trust you didn't, either.
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