Me, the missus, and our beagle Penny were walking just now in our playground, as we do every day. Just at the edge of the playground were 2 pickups, 4 men with shotguns and several beagles. I asked them to move AWAY FROM THE PLAYGROUND. They said OK, but were still there when we left, and so I called DEC officers. There are not only slides and a playing field but also dozens of houses there. What kind of stupid redneck goes to a playground with shotguns to hunt?
Good grief, Gary! When did you move to Mississippi?
Did you get the license plate nos?
Gary - is there a legal area nearby for them to hunt? Were they just parking there? I'm not defending them, but I know around here sometimes the hunters will gather to park their vehicles then walk to their destination.
Still, to have the rifles and such near a playground, is really uncalled for.
(did they have banjo's with them???) ha!
there are hundreds of acres beyond the playground, and no houses, which is why there is NO reason for them to be on the children's playground--if they had merely parked and headed out, nobody would have noticed them
Also,HOW were they carrying those rifles? Any way you look at it, they did NOT belong anywhere close to a playground. Accidents do happen. Sounds like a bunch of ignorant idiots who might need to learn a lesson or two about firearm safety. Perhaps a good stiff lecture and fine from a judge might be called for.
They'd be jailed over here. I find it difficult to understand a constitutional position that leads to armed men playing games with guns in childrens' playgrounds.
John B.
I should mention that they were clearly within the fenced boundary of the playground, for a long period of time, and there is also a SIGN which says 'no guns or hunting', although why does that need to be said in a playground???? Their beagles had probably led them into the playground, because as our beagle says everyday, there are many bunnies at the playground.
Ah ha!
What 'hunting' season is it, by the way??? Clearly, it's not deer. But is it still rabbit or pheasant or wild turkey?
Sorry - it's a 'meat' thing...lol. :(
and to think you brought me to that very playground. i could have been killed!
the DEC says it is still small something animal season, which I guess means rabbits and woodchucks, but NOT children in playgrounds
Is it even hunting season??? They are probably the same pick-up truck dudes that tailgate me over the hill on my way to work, and coming home from work. Unfortunately, they go to the Plantations bar after work.so there really rowdy at night.
I can sympathize with hunters. They are all over the place around here. We hardly ever play outside in the fall because gun noise scares the bejesus out of me!
That is why you are grateful to have places, like playgrounds, supposedly safe and gun free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that simply blows me away.. even the fact that they can legally go hunting behind the playground in the woods (I am assuming) and what are the odds they NEVER fire towards where they came from.. that bothers me
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