Sunday, February 24, 2008

an announcement! and Virginia checks in

Aara and Greta made a picture of me and I love it so much!

(Regular season's over....)
OK, so many things to talk about. FIRST OF ALL, our old pal, the high school potter, Virginia checks in.

"Hey Gary, it's been a while and just thought I'd check in, because, you know, i haven't in like, forEVER. sorry about that. Been busy lately. Unfortunately, not with pottery, that wont start again until April. My classes at school ended so i have to enroll elsewhere.

no, my friend, i have been busy with English. [hooray!]. my second favorite thing, aside from art, would be English. I'm taking honors English 2 this year, AP next year. I've been writing a whole lot, reading a bunch too. I started a book, and just got the first chapter done today. Started it weeks ago."

Regular readers of this blog will be disappointed to hear she is on a break from pottery, as she makes fun pots that potsblog readers enjoy most. But a book? That's fantastic news too, and I will ask her if she will let me share it with all of you.
As a 41 year old with very little talent or ambition or ability or energy I shake my head in wonder at youth: all those sharp brain cells! All that energy and creativity! In the Monday afternoon pottery class I am taking there is a 17 year old girl whose drawings would knock your teeth out. She is trying pottery to expand her admissions portfolio to college. You get excited about young artists and new visions.

OK, secondly, we can all admire my old pals greta and Aara's rather fine rendering of ME making pottery. Greta and Aara come over here sometimes for clay and burritos. I owe them A MILLION burritos now for this fine rendering!!!! I have always thought 'Gary Potter' makes a good joke, and now somebody has brilliantly put it together for me!

Yesterday afternoon we spent an extremely satisfying 2 hours watching Cornell women's hockey against Harvard. Harvard scored 4 in the first 2 periods, but Cornell's women must have had some snicker's bars and double shots of espresso before the third and final period, because they were FIERCE and scored 2. They lost the game, but winning the third period felt good. Supposedly there is less contact and fighting in a women's game, but it still looks rough to me. The player pictured above is one of the captains and also our old pal Denis' neighbor from northern Vermont, Caelagh Beerworth. YES, Beerworth, and you don't want to meet her in a dark alley because she is very tough. I love hockey and I'm sorry the college season is ending, but presumably the crummy winter weather ends with it, so....

Finally, I have to change comments. On a daily basis this blog's comments get a 'go here' type of thing, which leads to a VIRUS. I don't know what type of cretin thinks sending out viral links is fun, but I don't want them passing through my blog. So, comment as usual, then it will pop up a little later. Sorry! I love you all! Just don't want to spread this disease....


Anonymous said...

testing, phbbtt, phhhhbbbtttt, teting one two..

Anonymous said...

gary potter! that's awesome dude. perhaps you should make it official? great drawing.

cm said...

Yeah, I wondered what was up with the comments yesterday when I couldn't get to them. Stupid virus.

Go team!

And yay Gary Potter!

Anonymous said...

Love the Gary Potter!

gary rith said...

TESTING, that would be, and didja notice the PETITE little pig up there????

Anonymous said...

I love the drawing that Aara and Greta made for you! It's fabulous!

I hope Virginia shares some of her writings.

The sun is out, it's cold but yet a beautiful day...snow is good for packing, finally. Snowballs for the dogs!!!
